Japan Aerial Transport Co. Ltd Label c.1929
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AIR1. Pocono Airlines , A Great UP close of a Pocono Airlines Beech 18 inflight. Card is standard size and Airline issued. The Stamp and Wavy images on the back show through to the front, but you must tilt the card to C them; with a tiny speck of paper loss by the mt. ridge to the left, used Back VG $5.00
AIR2. Osaka Int'l. , A Great shot of passengers boarding a JAL DC-4 at Osaka International airport, C.Early '50s. Card measures 5 1/2" x 4", unused Back EX $50.00
AIR3. LAX , A Great shot of a Western Airlines Convair 240(NC8409H) on tarmac at Los Angeles International airport, C.1948/1960. RPPC is standard size. I don't know what the exact issue is called, but tiny blotching specks?? which to me leaves no doubt in the processing of the image. And AS U CAN SEE, THE CARD SHOWS VERY WELL. This CV-240 was built in 1948, and then delivered to them in July 1948, and sold in 1960, unused Back VG $20.00
AIR4. LAP , A Lineas Aereas Paraguayas B-707-320. Card is standard size. By March 1977, the number of weekly frequencies for Brazil had already increased. The pure jet age came in 1978 with the purchase of two Boeing 707-320 from Pan Am and with those services to Miami began. In 1979, services started to Madrid and Frankfurt. When another 707 was bought in 1982, service to Brussels started, unused Back EX 10.00
AIR5. Cyprus Airways , A Great view of a Cyprus Airways DC-3. Card is standard size, unused Back EX $20.00
AIR6. OK Air , A Scarce OKAIR, Oahu & Kauair Airlines, C.1975/1980. Card measures 8 1/4" x 3 1/2", with very light surface weae and a tiny up. lft. cor. tip crease. I think it's Airline issued, unused Back , OK AIR Information VG+ $17.00
AIR7. Santa Maria, A Nice shot of a Seaboard & Western DC-4 on tarmac at Santa Maria airport, Azores. RPPC is standard size. Even though it has stamps on the back, IT WAS NEVER MAILED AS U CAN SEE. The Four stamps do make a light impression on the top front border and the writing on the back shows lightly to the Front, BUT U Must Tilt the Card to See. JUST BECAUSE OF THOSE DEFECTS, I'LL RATE THE CARD AS VG, unused Back VG $10.00
AIR8. TACA , A Great TACA International Airlines interior 'DINNER ALOFT" card. Card is standard size, C.1948/1955. Has a little lwr. lft. cor. wear. TACA started acquiring Douglas DC-4s in the 1940s and 1950s, unused Back EX $19.00
AIR9. Goloson Airport , A view of the Golson airport at La Ceiba, Honduras. Card is continental size with a LACSA DC-3 on the tarmac. The city of La Ceiba is on the Caribbean coast, unused Back EX $23.00
AIR10. Nairobi's Airport , A Scarce view of Nairobi's airport, C.1950s. Card is continental size, unused Back EX $20.00
AIR11. C&S , A COOL, and if Ever Seen Chicago and Southern Airlines "New Orleans and Havana" timetable card. Card is standard size, Obviously Airline issued and dated June 1947. From 1946, DC-4s were used to commence international services from Houston and New Orleans to Havana, Cuba Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Kingston, Jamaica and Caracas, Venezuela, used Back EX $20.00
AIR12. TWA , A rather mundane Boulder City, Nevada viewing a TWA DC-2 & DC-3. RPPC is standard size, with a DC-2 is in front and a DC-3 is in the background. SOMEONE ELSE WROTE THE DATE IN PENCIL ON THE BACK, unused Back EX $87.00
AIR13. A.B.A. , A nice shot of a ABA, Swedish Air Lines Junkers JU-52/3M inflight, C.1946/1948?. RPPC is standard size, and is Airline issued. AFter WW2 many JU-52/3Ms remained in service, and all the Scandinavian country airlines continued to operate them up to 1948/1949, unused Back EX $15.00
AIR14. A.A. , A nice shot of an American Airlines possible Airbus A-321-200(?) loading passenger on tarmat @ Aruba's Reina Beatrix Int'l airport. Card is continental size, C.1995/2010, unused Back EX $10.00
AIR15. P.A.T. , I know Everyone wants a Aero Plane, but Have U Ever seen a card like this?? It's "AIRLLINE ISSUED", dated 1931, and slight smaller that a normal postcard. It meassures 5" x 3", used Back EX $80.00
AIR16. Augusta, GA. , A Great shot of a Delta Airlines Lockheed L-10-B Electra on tarmac at Augusta, GA. airport. Card is standard size with Great borders and Corners. Delta operated 5 L-10Bs from 1936 to 1942, and 1 L-10A leased from Braniff Airways(12/1939 to 3/1940), unused Back EX $9.00
AIR17. Montevideo , A nice view of Montevideo Carrasco National airport, Uruguay. Card is contiental size, AND note the left engine under repair. I'm not sure of aircraft type and can't quite make out the LV-JL(?), nor THE AIRLINE LOGO ON THE TAIL, unused Back EX $12.00
AIR18. Radiophone Communication , A Cool view of a United Air Lines Radiophone communication operator, C.1930s. Card is standard size, AND AIRLINE ISSUED, unused Back EX $20.00
AIR19. FAMA , A Scarce and Great shot of a FAMA, Flota Aerea Mercante Argentina Convair 240(LV-ADP) inflight, C.1946/1949. RPPC is standard size. In the information I found on the Two SUPPOSEDLY FAMA Convair 240s(LV-ADM 7 LV-ADQ), seems wrong, or the aircraft last three letters are Incorrect, unused Back , EX $25.00
AIR20. Waynoke Airport, OK. , A SUPER RARE IN THIS CONDITION, Waynoka, Ok. airport, C.1929/1931. RPPC is standard size, and NOTE THE WAYNOKA "TAT TRIMOTOR" BILLBOARD IN THE LOWER RI. CORNER, unused Back , Close Up of TAT Trimotor EX+ $95.00
AIR21. MISAIR , A REALLY UNIQUE MISAIR airline issued card, C.1950/1958. Card is continental size, unused Back EX $30.00
AIR22. Port Washington , A Nice view of a PAA S-42 and a Imperial Airways Short flying boats at Port Washington, DC. RPPC is standard size, and signed by the Post master; yet NOT mailed. But, what is strange is, there is a light round postal stamp image and a very light crease/scratch to the left of that. Need to tilt the card, unused Back VG $10.00
AIR23. Cubana IL-62 , A nice passenger view looking out to the tarmac, with a Cubana IL-62 in the background. Card is continental size, and Airline issued. IL-62M entered service with Cubana, from Havana to Madrid, via the Azores, in April 1972. Routes were extended to Africa starting in the mid-1970s, serving Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde with IL-62Ms , unused Back EX $25.00
AIR24. W.C.A.T. , A Great shot of a West Coast Air Transport Fokker on take from Oakland Muni airport to Portland, Or. RPPC is standard size, C. 1928, unused Back , W.C.A.T. Information EX $98.00
AIR25. Varney Speed Lanes , A Very Cool, N Your Face Varney Speed Lanes Lockheed Model 9 Orion on tarmac at probable Los Angeles muni airport, CA. RPPC is standard size. Has a tiny circle at the end of the rudder, but must tilt the card to see it, used Back , Rudder Circle VG+ $75.00




over the item, CLICK to Enlarge

TAB1. AFS Airlines , A AFS Airlines of California commuter schedule dated May 15,1983. TT measures 4" x 9" and two paged, used Schedule , AFS Information EX $7.00
TAB2. AVIOR , An AVIOR Airlines of Australia schedule dated June 1,1984. TT measures 4" x 8 1/4" with three panels. There is a Airfares,Freight Rates insert that was inside. Ops. 1979(?) to 1986(?) , used Back of Insert , Schedule EX $8.00
TAB3. TPA , A Fly TPA, Trans Pacific Aloha Airline Hawaii schedule dated September 13, 1954. TT measures 3 1/8" x 5 3/8" and two paged, used Schedule , TPA Information , More TPA Information EX $19.00
TAB4. Los Angeles-San Diego Air Line , An Extremely RARE Ryan Airlines Los Angeles-San Diego schdule, C.1925/1937. TT measures 3 1/4" x 5 1/2", a two sided light card board style, used Schedule & Ames Bros. Company Ticket Agency Stamp , Ryan Airlines Information EX $75.00
TAB5. Wilmington-Catalina , A Scarce Wilmington-Catalina Airline, Ltd. schedule dated June 1,1934, with an accompanying Wilmington Transportation Co. Steamer Schedule dated May 30,1934. TT measures 3" x 6" of very light card board stock. They were founded by the Wrigley family in 1931, used Inside , Information , More Information EX $39.00
TAB6. Champion Air , A Scarce and Cool covered Champion Air of Australia commuter schedule dated September 1,1980. TT measures 3 5/8" x 8 1/4" and two paged , used Inside , Schedule By Itself EX $18.00
TAB7. Inland Airlines , A COOL B-247 covered Inland Airlines schedule dated November 1,1939. TT measures 4" x 9" with four panels, used Route Map , Connecting Schedules , Inland Schedule Inland Information EX $30.00
TAB8. Trans Central , A Cool Cessna 402 cover Trans Central Airlines commuter schedule dated April 1,1970. TT measures 3 3/4" x 8 1/2" with four panels. , used Information , Route Map , Schedule , Trans Central Information EX $10.00
TAB9. Salmon Air , A Scarce Salmon Air is a commuter airline based in Salmon, Idaho which started operations in 1968. In addition to scheduled passenger and charter flights, they also operated scenic air tour flights. They were sold to McCall Aviation in 2009, and still owned by them today, used Back EX $9.00
TAB10. M.E.A. , A Cool covered Middle East Airlines schedule dated June 1,1959. TT measures 3 3/4" x 9" with four panels. Operating Super Viscounts and DC-3s, used Sales Offices & Sales Agents , Super Viscount , Route Map & Super Viscount/DC-3 Schedule EX $29.00
TAB11. BPA , A Bush Pilots Airways of Australia "SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION" schedule darted October 1976, with an accompanying BPA "PAPUS NEW GUINEA FROM CAIRNS, AUSTRALIA" brochure dated 1974. TT measures 3 1/2" x 8 1/2" with 6 panels, and the TT has MINI cover creases The brochure measures 3 5/9" x 8 3/4" with 18 pages which includes the inside of Front and Back covers. The Route map is from the brochure, used Route Map , Sample Brochure , Sample Brochure , Sample Brochure , Schedule VG & EX $15.00
TAB12. GUEST AEROVIAS , A Cool covered Guest Aerovias Mexico schedule dated April 29, 1962. TT measures 4" x 8 7/8", four paneled with 7 pages, which includes the Route map and inside of back cover. Operating Comet 4C's and Convair 340's. In the 1950s, they began an International partnership with SAS when it controlled a share of the airline. SAS sold its share in 1961, and the name was later changed to Guest Aerovias Mexico. They were taken over by Aeronaves de Mexico in 1963, and operated COMET 4C's in the early '60s, used Route Map , Comet 4C/CV-340 Schedules , Connecting Schedules , Information , Serving...... EX $24.00
TAB13. Century Air Lines , A Very Scarce Century Air Lines, Inc. schedule dated November 1,1931. TT measures 4" x 9" with three panels. Operating Stinson SM-6000/Model U Tri-motor aircraft, and OPERATIONS LASTED FOR A YEAR, used Informaton & Stinson , Schedule & Route Map , Century Information , Stinson Information EX $80.00
TAB14. B.M.C.V. , A Boston-Maine-Central Vermont airways schedule dated July 1,1937. TT measures 3 1/2" x 6 3/8" with three panels. Operating Lockheed Electra's. Has a small little spot below the rt. wing, used Schedule, B-M.C.V. Information VG $28.00
TAB15. ONUAIR , A Uncommon Onurair of Turkey system schedule dated 10-30-2005/3-25-2006. TT is pocket size measuring 3 1/4" x 4 1/2" with 17 pages, which included the inside page of back cover, used Sample of Schedule , Sample of Schedule , Current Aircraft in Operation at This Time EX $9.00
TAB16. ICS , A Uncommon ICS, Israeli Dharter Service LTD. schedule dated Summer 1998. TT measures 4" x 8 1/4" and two paged. ICS was a joint operation of El Al (through its subsidiary Sun d'Or International Airlines) and Arkia Israeli Airlines, using Arkia's flight prefix, used Schedule EX $12.00
TAB17. Athens Airways , A Uncommon Athens Airways of Greece schedule dated January 31 of 2009 or 2010. TT measures 8 1/4" x 11 3/4", a two sided paper style. Has wear along the Top border. They were founded in 2008 and started scheduled flights on January 31,2009. In late May 2010 the Greek Civil Aviation Authority stripped Athens Airways of the right to serve a number of government-subsidised routes. By early September and after concluding its summer schedule, the airline ceased operations without any notice, used Route Map VG $8.00
TAB18. Aviaco , A Uncommon AVIACO, AviaciĆ³n y Comercio, S.A of Spain system schedule dated May/June 1953. TT measures 4 1/4" x 8 3/4" with four panels. They were founded as a freight company in February 1948, and purchased Bristol 170 car/freigher aicraft. Passenger flights started soon after, used Close Up of Route Map , Immediate Inside Page , Schedule EX $24.00
TAB19. OLAG , A Scarce OLAG, Austrian Air Transport system schedule dated 1937. TT measures 9" x 11 1/2" with four pages. It has been folded horizontally and vertically, bUT Acturally Shows well. Has wear in up. RT. cor. and along the right border , used Schedule , Schedule , Cities , Wear VG $40.00
TAB20. Island Airlines Tasmania , A Uncommon Island Airlines Tasmania of Australia schedule dated Winter 2003. TT is a single sided type, and measures 11 5/8" x 8 1/4" when not folded. They started operations sometime in 2003, and ceased operations in 2004 flying Piper Chieftain's, used EX $15.00
TAB21. L.A.P.E. , A Very Scarce L.A.P.E., Lineas Aereas Postales Espanolas autographed letter in Excellent condition DATED OCTOBER 13, 1934 with an ACCOMPANYING OAG PROOF ATTACHED SCHEDULE. The letter measures 8 1/2 x 11" and written in English. The OAG Proof schedule is in VG condition even with some rt. border paper lost, and measures 7 3.4" x 10 5/8". There is a Deruluft, Swissair and KLM schedles as well, used LAPE/Swissair/Deruluft Schedules , KLM Schedule EX/VG $30.00
TAB22. Universal , A Very Cool covered Universal Air Lines System schedule dated February 21, 1928. TT measures 4" x 9" fwith four panels. Has some paper loss on the back cover around "St.Louis" and a slanted horizontal crease which IS more Visible on the Back cover, used Information , Certificate of Flight , Route Map & Schedule VG $35.00
TAB23. Airnorth , A Cool Airnorth of Australia schedule dated June 4, 2001. TT measures 8 1/4" x 11 3/4" with 8 total pages. They were established in 1978 and started operations on July 4, 1978 as Air North International; as a result of the merger between Airnorth, Rossair and Tillair. They operated charter flights only until scheduled services were introduced in 1981; then sold in 1992 with name change to Airnorth Regional. Starting in September 1999, Airnorth operated charters from Darwin to Dili, East Timor, which became there First International route. Operating both Fairchild Metro 23 and Embraer EMB 120 Brasilia turboprop, used Back Page Domestic Sample Schedule , Int'l Schedule , Another Domestic Sample Schedule EX $10.00
TAB24. New York Helicopter, A Cool covered New York Helicopter schedule daated Spring 1984. TT measures 3 3/8" x 8 3/8" with threee panels, used Route Map , Schedule VG $4.00
TAB25. Samoa Air , A Uncommon Samoa Air schedule dated 7/13/'95. TT measures 8 1/4" x 11" with three pages. Samoa Air was a small airline from Samoa that operated scheduled flights between the domestic islands as well as to American Samoa. It also provided charter flights and medical transfer flights, used Schedule , Air Fares EX $10.00
TAB26. Quebec Airways, A Very Scarce and Cool Lodestar covered Quebec Airways of Canada WW 2 schedule dated September 7, 1942. TT measures 4" x 9", two paged with another schedule as an INSERT. Seems to be very light card board stock, rather than simple paper. Quebec Airways started operations in 1935 as an affiliated of Canadian Airways, to carry out scheduled operations in the St. Lawrence River area. Now in 1942, as the cover states, "AN IMPORTANT DIVISION OF THE CANDADIAN PACIFIC LINES SYTEM", used Information , Schedules EX $45.00
TAB27. SEAIR , A RARE and Never Seen SEAir, South East Asian of the Philippines scedule dated October 20, 2000. TT measures 6 3/8" x 8 3/8" opened, a single sided paper style. Has light over all wear. Operations 1995 to 2013, used VG $12.00
TAB28. Jet Train , A Scarce Jet Train schedule dated July 15,1996. TT measures 3 3/4" x 8 1/2" with three panels. Operations started Oct.1994 as AirTrain to Oct.1995; then renamed JetTrain to which they restarted operations in January 1996. They ceased operations in November 1996, and operated three McDonnell Douglas DC-9-31's, used EX $10.00
TAB29. PCA , A Uncommon Pennsylvania Commuter Airlines schedule, C.1966(?). TT is a True pocket size measuring 3 7/8" x 2 1/4", a two sided light card board stock style. Someone wrote "1966" in the upper rt. corner in pencil. Yet, the information says Harrisburg Commuter was renamed to Pennsylvania Commuter in 1970. So, ........???, used Schedule , PCA Information EX $12.00
TAB30. G.C.A. , A Scarce and Last issue of Gold Coast Airways, a Florida intra-state schedule dated December 1,1968. TT measurse 3 1/2" x 8 1/2", a single sided very light card board stock type, used Gold Coast Airways Information EX $13.00
TAB31. Maine Air Transport , A RARE ans Scarcly seen Maine Air Transport Co. schedule, C.1932. TT measures 3 1/2" x 7", and single sided very light card board stock style, used Maine Air Transport Information < EX $70.00
TAB32. Sunstate Airlines , A Sunstate Airlines of Australia schedule dated December 1,1987. TT measures 4" x 8 3/4" , and two paged. Sunstate is a subsidiary of Qantas which operates regional flights under the QantasLink banner throughout New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and to Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, used Schedule EX $8.00
TAB33. Norfolk Airlines , A Uncommon Norfolk Airlines of Australia schedule, C.1990/1991. TT measures 8 1/4" x 11 3/4", a single sided paper style. The N.I.A. Coasters measure 3 1/4" x 3 1/4". Their Genealogy is as follows: Air Norfolk > Norfolk Island Airlines (i) > Norfolk Airlines, used Entire Schedule W/O Coasters EX $5.00
TAB35. S.A.F.E. , An Extremely RARE and Almost NEVER seen, Southwest Air Fast Express schedule dated August 18,1929. TT measures 4" x 8", a tow sided very light stock style. They operated Fort 5-AT Trimotors, AS OPERATIONS STARTED ON April 2,1920, used Back , S.A.F.E. Information EX $95.00
TAB36. S.A.A. , A South African Airways domestic/regional schedule dated August 10, 1953. TT measures 4" x 9 3/8" with five panels, used Schedule , Schedule , Schedule VG $15.00
TAB37. Lion Air/Wings Air , A RARELY seen Joint Lion Air & Wings Air of Indonesia schedule dated 1/10/2005. TT measures 8 1/3" x 11", and has 3 light crease in the lwr. rt. cor. area. They were founded in October 1999, and started scheduled passenger services on June 30,2000 from Jakarta to Denpasar and Pontianak using a leased Boeing 737-200. "With the growth of aviation and travel within Indonesia, Lion Air founded Wings Air in 2003, a regional airline wholly owned by Lion Air". The back shows an Advertisment which was sometimes common practice on such Asian airlines. THIS SCHEDULE IS NOT TORN OUT FROM A MAGAZINE, used Back VG+ $14.00
TAB38. Airlines of Tasmania , A Airlines of Tasmania schedule, C.2005. TT is a single sided style measuring 8 1/4" x 11 5/8". Has a up. rt. cor. crease. They were based in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, and operated scheduled services across Tasmania and charter services, used VG+ $4.00
TAB39. Litoral , A Scarce and Earliest Litoral of Mexico schedule I've Seen dated March 4,1990. TT measures 3 5/8" x 8 1/4" with three panels. Litoral (Servicios Aereos Litoral) was formed in 1988 & operations started on June 30,1989. In 1996 AeroLitoral and Aerovias de Poniente were merged under the AeroLitoral. This was then rebranded as Aeromexico Connect on November 22,2007, used Schedule EX $12.00
TAB40. Sunbird Airlines , A Scarce Sunbird Airlines of Australia schedule dated May 26,1990. TT measures 4" x 8 1/4" with 12 pages. Started operations sometime in 1984, and ceased operations sometime in 1990. Sunbird was formed by the merger with Thorpe's Transport, Helitrans and Outback Air. They operated Cessna 421's, Embraer Bandeirante's, BN-2 Islander's, Cessna 310's and Beech 99's. I PRESUME this schedule is Close to the End of there operatios, used Route Map , Schedule , Schedule EX $12.00
TAB41. TAW , A Cool covered TAW, Toa Air Ways schedule dated Feb. 1,1967. TT measures 3" x 6 7/8" with four panels. Operating YS-11 turbo-props, used Schedule EX $18.00
TAB42. Air Vietnam , A Very COOL B-727 Air Vietnam schedule dated May/June 1968. TT measures 4 1/4" x 9 1/2" with four panels. This schedule is RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE VIETNAM TET OFFENSIVE WHICH STARTED IN JAN. TO SEPT. 1968. The Viet Cong (VC) and North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) launched a surprise attack on January 30,1968 against the forces of the South Vietnamese Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), the United States Armed Forces and their allies, used Schedule EX $70.00
TAB43. Continental , A Very Cool "GOLDEN JET BOEING 707" tail covered Continental Airlines "25th Year" schedule dated September 27,1959. TT measures 4" x 9", four paneled with 11 pages. Has a 3/4" wear mark below the Top Rt. corner, hence VG+ condition. Continental took delivery of the first of five "short tail" Boeing 707-124s in the spring 1959, and started Chicago-Los Angeles nonstop on June 8th, 1959, used Golden Jet 707 Chicago to Los Angeles Schedule & System Route Map , DC-7B & DC-6B Schedule, PAA Connection via LAX to Hawaii Map , Schedule , DC-7B Club Coach & Schedule , Schedule VG+ $15..00
TAB44. WAE , A So Cool Fokker covered Western Air Express schedule dated Novemer 1,1933. TT measures 4" x 9" 10 pages, which includes the inside of Front and Back covers. Has moderate wear right at the bottom, hence VG condition, A Interesting....Read , Route Map , Schedule , Schedule , Information VG $40.00
TAB45. Flitestar , A Very Scarce, and RARELY seen Flitestar schedule dated March 1992. TT measures 3 5/8" x 7' with 10 pages. Operating Airbus 320's and ATR-72's. Flitestar was owned by Trek Airways of South Africa. From 1991 they competed with South African Airways on domestic routes. Flitestar soon became financially insolvent and ceased operating together with other Trek enterprises in 1994, used Sample Schedule , Sampel Schedule & Symbols , Sample Schedule EX $25.00
TAB46. Panama Airways, Inc. , A Panama Airways, Inc. schedule dated July 15,1937. TT measures 4" x 7", two paged with a partial slanted from the 7 in 1937 to the "in" below. Also, has light foxiing around the Trimotor image. AS to their operations, I don't have a clue, used Schedule , Panama Canal-both the Atlantic and Pacific at One Glance VG $25.00
TAB47. D & C Airlines , An EXTREMELY RARE, AND NEVER SEEN D & C Airlines schedule, June 9,(1955?). TT measures 3 1/2" x 6 3/4", and stiff card board style. I FOUND ZERO OPERATIONAL INFORMATION, used Schedule EX $75.00
TAB48. Aero Republica , A Scarce Aero Republica of Columbia, S.A. schedule dated 2004. TT measures 2 3/4" x 5 1/2", with ten panels. Schedules are on both sides. Rather than give any Information, just Google them, used Sample Schedule , Sample Schedule , Sample Schedule , EX $18.00
TAB49. AIRPAC , A Very Scarce and Cool BAe-146 covered AIRPAC of Alaska schedule dated April 1,1986. TT measures 3 5/8" x 8 1/4", a two sided very light card board style. Operating a variety of equipment, and CEASED OPERATIONS JULY 11,1986, used Schedule , AIRPAC INFORMATION EX $13.00
TAB50. Air Caravane , A Scarce Air Caravane of Canada schedule dated De. 22,1978. TT measures 3 3/4" x 8 1/2" with three panels. Started operations in 1973, ceased operations in 1981 and operated X- Military C-47 Skytrains, DC-3s, Vickers Viscounts. Then changed there name to Air Cardinal airlinew which ceased operations in 1987, used Route Map & Information , Schedule & DC-3 EX $5.00
TAB51. Trans California , A Very Scarce and Cool covered Trans California Intra-State schedule, C.1962/1964. TT is pocket size measuring 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" with paper loss in the bottom fold as shown, and two paged. Has a small crease at the nose of the aircraft in California, used Schedule , Trans California Information VG $10.00
TAB52. B.S.A.A. , A Scarce British South American Airways system schedule dated 7/'49. TT measures 4" x 9' with four panels. My guess as to the aircraft on the cover is a PROBABLE AVRO TUDOR 4 OE 5 MODEL, do to the Single Tail, used Route Map , Schedule EX $49.00
TAB53. Holiday Airlines , A Holiday Airlines U.S. Northeast commuter schedule dated April 1984. TT measures 3 6/8" x 8 1/2" with three panels. Started operations in June 1979 flying Piper types and DHC-6 Twin Otters, used Schedule EX $4.00
TAB54. CHALLENGER , A Very Scarce Challenger Airlines Company schedule dated July 10, 1947. TT measures 4" x 9" with three panels. They operated DC-3s and last 2 1/2 years. My Guess here is, this is the 2nd Issued timetable, used Route Map & Information , More Info. , Schedule , Challenger Information EX $60.00
TAB55. Digital , An EXTREMELY RARE, and Never Seen Digital Aircraft, a divison of Digitial Equipment Corporation, schedule dated April 1,1981. TT measures 3 3/8" x 6 1/4" with five panels. I have NO operational information, or any idea when they started operations, but I Do Know they ceased operations in 1988. the parent company was acquired by Compag Computer Co. in 1998. This is an Exact Duplicate of my Digital copy in my collection, which is shown on timetableimages.com, used Information , Schedule , Schedule EX $35.00
TAB56. EMPIRE , A Very Early and RARE Empire Air Lines of the U.S. schedule dated December 1,1947. TT measures 4" x 9 1/4", and two paged, used Schedule , Empire Information EX $65.00
TAB57. TATA , An Extremely RARE TATA Air Lines of India system schedule dated November 1939. TT measures 3 5/8" x 8 5/8" with ten pages; has a up. rt. cor. crease. Before TATA got there first DC-3 in 1944, they operated single engined DH-82 Tiger & DH-85 Leopard Moth, a DH-86 Empress, DH-89A Dragon Rapide and a possible Waco, the Model QDC which was a four seater. TATA changed their name to Air India on July 29,1946, used Schedule , Schedule , Schedule , TATA Information EX $85.00
TAB58. Michigan Air Express , An Extremely RARE and Never Seen Michigan Air Express commuter schedule, C.1930. TT measures 6 1/2" x 3 1/2", AND DOUBLES AS A BLOTTER. Could not find out what Type of aircraft they flew, BUT THE AIRCRAFT SHOWN IS A OPEN COCK PIT BI-PLANE, Back , Michigan Air Express Information EX $80.00
TAB59. Southern Cross , A Scarce and COOL Beech Queen 65 Air covered Southern Cross Airways of Australia commueter schedule dat ed october 1980. TT measurss 3 5/8" x 8 1/4", and two paged. Founded as Air Charter Tours in 1972 to 1977, and renamed Nationwide Air Services(?). Then renamed Southern Cross Airways in 1978 which ceased operation sometime in 1982. Operated Beech Queen 65 Air's and Cessna 402's, used Schedule , General Information , Schedule EX $14.00
TAB60. Air-India , A Normal COOL covered Air-India system schedule dated August 9,1959, and a Air-India Passenger TOURIST Super Constellation seat card. TT measures 3 5/8" x 8 5/8", four paneled with 15 pages. The Passenger card, which is Very Rare with a Super Constellation CUT-A-WAY ON THE BACK, that measures 5 1/2" x 3 5/8", used Route Map , Information , Schedule & CUT-A-WAY , Schedule , Schedule EX $48.00




over the item, CLICK to Enlarge

MSC1. InterAir , A Scarce "Inflight Magazine for Interair" airlines of South Africa dated November/December 1998. Item measures 8 1/4" x 11 5/8" with 44 pages written in French and English, used T.O.C. , Schedule , "The Spectacular Seychelles" , Route Map , Sterkfontein Caves "The Missing Link" EX $4.00
MSC2. PAN AM , A Very Cool, and Scarce PAN AM "Atlantic Missile Range" official patch. Item measures 3 5/8" x 4". Both measurements are at the WIDEST points , UNUSED EX $10.00
MSC3. Inex-Adria Airways DC-10 , A Uncommon Ines-Adria Airways COLOR DC-10 photograph. Item measures 10" x 8". Adria Airways(formerly Inex-Adria Aviopromet and later Inex-Adria Airways) was the flag carrier of Slovenia, operating scheduled and charter services to European destinations. I FOUND NO DC-10 OPERATIONAL HISTORY IN THERE HISTORIC FLEET LIST , used Back EX $9.00
MSC4. Boeing Photos , A Very Scarce group of FIVE Boeing Airplane Company photographs C.1927/1930. Photos measure 10" x 8", with one having a "Boeing Air Transport" stamp and an attachment. Another one has the photographers stamp, and one has a separate description card of the photograph, used Front Cover , Photo with Separate Card EX $50.00
MSC5. Pacific Alaska, 'THE CORRECT IMAGE IS NOW SHOWING". I CAN GUARANTEE U, ON PLANET EARTH, THERE IS NOT A ANOTHER PACIFIC ALASKA AIRWAYS, a SUBSIDIARY OF PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS, FAIRCHILD PILGRIM 100A "PILOT AUTOGRAPHED" PHOTOGRAPH. Photo measures 10" x 8". Has a lwr. rt. cor. creases and mini creases in and around the right wing, unused Photo W/O Note , Back VG $199.00
MSC6. A Brand new, MINT in the Box JetStreams Inflight 200 IFjetusa001 Air California Black Masked B-737 model. Scale is 1/200; and a Limited Edition(240 manufactured) model . Postage will be $16.00, Which Includes a Sturdy Mailing box. Each Model Will be INSPECTED by Me Prior to Mailing, AND NOT MANY LEFT(10), MINT View 1 , View 2 MT $140.00
MSC7. Aeroflot IL-62, A Uncommon Aeroflot IL-62 brochure, C.'60/'70s. Item measures 5 1/2" x 7 7/8" with four panels. Has light over all wear, used Information , LOTS OF IMAGES VG+ $9.00
MSC8. MGM Grand B-727-100 , An Extremely RARE SM200 LIMITED EDITION(120) MGM Grand B-727-100 1/200 scale model and accompanying MGM Grand "Seating Chart" for there B-727-100 and Super DC-8-62. The Chart measures 3 3/4" x 8 7/8", and is single sided, used View 1 , View 2 , TAIL , Seating Chart EX $170.00
MSC9. DC-10 Labels , A Nice group of Four different Airline DC-10 labels. All measure 3"x 4", a peel off back type. These type of labels are listed $4.50 to $17.95 EACH on Ebay, used EX $10.00
MSC10. PAA StereoView , A Keystone View Company Pan American S-42 steroView card, C.1934/1935. Item measures 7" x 3 1/2". The S-42 flying boat carried 15 passengers that entered service with PAA in August 1934, and was the sole customer for the S-42(10 Were Built), used Back , View @ 150dpi , View Back @ 150dpi VG to EX $20.00
MSC11. Qantas Empire , A Scarce pair of QEA, Qantas Empire Airways Short Empire C Class Flying boat brochures dated 1940. Each measures 3 3/8" x 6", and two paged. The QEA peacetime operations ran only from July 26,1938 to Sept. 3,39, Sydney to Singapore, but operations at the Australia end continued relatively undisturbed until the Japanese entered the war Dec.7,1941, used Inside of Each EX $28.00
MSC12. B.E.A. , A Nice set of BEA, British European Airways Sikorsky S-51 helicopter material from 1950. First up is a BEA Autographed letter that measures 8" x 10' and of course folded for mailig. It's dated October 1950; next is a BEA(WELSH AIR SERVICE) S-51 schedule dated October 1,1950. Lastly, is a BEA Helicopter label measuring 3 1/4" 'Round with Full gum, No hinge marks, used Autographed Letter , Sikorsky Helicopter S-51 Covered Schedule , Schedule EX $10.00
MSC13. Convair 990 , A Scarce and VERY, VERY COOL Convair 990 photograph, C.1960/1962. Photo measures 10" x 8" with a Convair Stamp on the back. American Airlines asked Convair to design an aircraft for coast-to-coast flights, able to fly nonstop from New York City to Los Angeles against the wind. They wanted a larger passenger capacity than the Convair 880. The 990 did not meet the specifications promised, and American Airlines reduced its order as a result. Only 37 CV-990s had been produced, used Back , Trying to Show a Small Crease N Black Area Below the Runway , Trying to Show a Mini Crease N Black Tail Silhouette Area EX $12.00
MSC14. PAA B-314 POSTER , A Very SCARCE and ORIGINAL Pan American Airways B-314 "CLIPPER SHIPS SAIL AGAIN" Flying boat 1939 poster. Item measures 23 3/4"" x 28", with some wear at the bottom. FREE Mailing Tube is Included, and postage would be between $7.00 to $12.00 depending on the Zip Code, used Lwr. Rt. Cor. Wear , Lwr. Lft. Cor. Wear , Middle Wear VG+ $225.00
MSC15. Pan American Air Ways, A RARE Pan American Air Ways employee or public brochure dated April 1939. Item measures 10" x 12 1/4" with 24 pages. A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, used View 1 , 3 New Clippers & New Base Dedicated , "California Clipper" Christened @Treasure Island , LOTS OF NEWS , Eastern Division , Western Divisio , Atlantic Division EX $89.00
MSC16. Luftschiffbau Zeppelin , A Very Scarce Luftschiffbau Zeppelin Hamburg-Amerika Line ORIGINAL label, C."30s. Item measures 4" 'round with Full gum, No hinge marks. JUST A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN. THE CORRECT IMAGE IS NOW SHOWING, used EX $40.00
MSC17. The Airline Hostess , A Cool covered "The Airline Hostess" brochure, C.'50s. Item measures 3 3/8" x 7 1/8" with four panels, used Information & Listed Airlines , More Airlines EX $12.00
MSC18. PAA/Grace , A SUPER RARE PAA/GRACE PILOT AUTOGRAHED FAIRCHILD MODEL 17(NC6853) photograph. Item measures 10" x 8". The photograph is from the Collection of Mr. Spencer Garrett, a LONG time PAA employee(1935/1978). In his business travels or leisure travels he always carried aircraft photos; to be autograhed by pilots of other airlines. I WAS FORTUNATE TO ACQUIRE EVERY PAA AIRCRAFT PHOTOS SIGNED BY THE PILOTS WHO FLEW THEM:NOTE THE DATES NEXT TO THE PILOTS NAME IN THIS PHOTO. i ALSO HAVE DIFFERENT AIRLINE PILOT AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS. I have a different Model 17 Autograhed photo in my collection. As U CAN READ ON THE BACK THIS MODEL 17 IS AT THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION IN WASHINGTON, D.C. I ALSO HAVE THIS INFORMATION AS WELL: Fairchild FC-2, c/n139, NC6853 Pan American Grace AW , Date delivered 02.01,1929, Preserved NASM Washington, used Back of Photo , FAIRCHILD MODEL 17 INFO. EX+ $220.00
MSC19. Metro Air Service & NYA Helicopter , A Scarce Metro Air Service & New York Airways brochure, C.1961/1964. Item measures 4" x 9" with four panels. The Destination Carriers Numbers correlate to the Round Numbers shown in the Destination/Route Map, used Immediate Inside w/Hourly schedule , Route Map Destinations , Carrier Destinations , Carrier Destinations EX $9.00
MSC20. Pan American , A Scarce "Air Transport First Far Aways Lands" Sikorsky S-40 Amphibian Visual Education Setion of L.A. City. Item measures 11" xc 8 1/2" with corner wear as U can C, unused Back VG $10.00
MSC21. P.A.T. , A Very RARE P.A.T., Pacific Air Transport employee and or public publication dated June 15,1933, and named "The PAT Patter". Item measures 8 1/2" x 11" with 3 pages of NEWS from P.A.T.'s stations, used Second page , Third Page EX $37.00
MSC22. Yemenia B-747SP , A RARE Yemenia Airways B-747SP Inflight 1/200 scale model. U can LOOK on Ebay, but U will find ZERO listed. JUST A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, UNUSED Close UP View , Card MINT $160.00
MSC23. NEA , A Northeast Airlines 1946 Annual report. Item measures 8 1/4" x 10 3/4" with 10 pages which include the inside of Front & Back covers, used View 1 , Termination of PCA Merger , Compartive Statistics 1940 to 1946 EX $17.00
MSC24. T.A.T. , A Early and Very Scarce T.A.T., Transcontinental Air Transport, Inc. "PLANE TALK" brochure dated March 1929. Item measures 8 1/2" x 11" with Four Total pages, and Of Course folded for mailing. Even being folded I rate this brochure in Excellent condition, and it's VERY INTERESTING READ/SUBJECT MATTER, used Inside , Front Cover , Back Cover EX $40.00
MSC25. PBA Flyer & PBA Timetable , A Sarace " The PBA FLYER" brochure and a PBA system schedule dated February 1,1987. The brochure is dated Spring 1983, and measures 8 3/8" x 10 5/8" with 8 total pages. TT measures 4" x 8 1/2" with four panels. It's kind of unique in that, one side shows the "NORTHERN SCHEDULE", and the other side shows the "FLORIDA SCHEDULE", used Front Page 1 , Back Cover/Page 8, Pages 2 & 3 , Pages 4 & 5 , Pages 5 & 6 EX $9.00
MSC26. Aeromexico Poster, S.A. , A Aeromexico, and what I call, a VERY Colorful "YUCATAN" poster, C.1972/2010. Item measures 24" x 36". They operated DC-9-10s(STARTING N FEB.1972), DC-9-30s(STARTING N FEB.1974), MC-82s(STARTING N DEC.1981), MD-83s(STARTING N MAY 1992), MD-87sSTARTING N OCT.1992) and MD-88s(STARTING IN NOV.1989=LAST 1 RETIRED 2010). So, IT'S DIFFICULT TO KNOW THE EXACT AIRCRAFT TYPE SHOWN IN THE POSTER. Sturdy mailing tube is $3.00, and would think postage would be between $7.00 to $12.00, DEPENDING ON ZIP CODE. JUST A FYI, POSTAGE RATES ARE GOING UP AGAIN JULY 1, used EX $35.00
MSC27. PAA B-707(N709PA) , A Very RARE Original set of Pan American World Airways B-707(N709PA) photos at probably JFK airport, C.10/26/1958. Three photos measure 10" xx 4", and two measure 8" x 5" on paper stock of the Time. I scanned the Two 8" x 5" photos together. It looks like the bottom photo was trimmed, BUT I'M HERE TO TELL U, THIS IS NOT THE CASE. I PUT THAT PHOTO UP FREE STANDING ON THAT END ON A PERFECTLY FLAT SURFACE, AND THEIR WAS NO LIGHT SHOWING THROUGH. N709PA = date delivered 8/15/1958. Inaugural Pan American Trans-Atlantic jet services started 10/26/58 JFK-LBG. There was an incident February 25,1959 during crew training over France. During 2-engine out training aircraft entered spin tearing #4 engine off, and made a safe landing at LHR with 3 remaining engines, used View 1 , View 2 , 8" x 5" Photos , Backs of Two Photos EX $45.00
MSC28. Fairchild Model 91 , A Very Scarce Fairchld Model 91(XA942) prototype Registration 14743 amphibian photograph. Item measures 10" x 8" with some notes on the back at the bottom. Has a up. lft. cor. area crease, one crease in the middle top border, one grass mini crease and the writing on the back shows through in the bottom white border when holding photo to the light. The gentlemem in the biege coat is A.A. Gaaaner who worked for Fairchild and helped develop the Model 91. This prototype MSN 9401, Registration as Built NC14743, Delivery Customer: None-Prototype, Notes: to Spanish AviaciĆ³n Nacional as 63-1 Virgen de Chamorro, scrapped 1941. Fairchild designed the aircraft in response to a Pan American Airways request for a small flying boat to operate on their river routes along the Amazon and Yangtze. But, PAA?Panair only used them in there Brazilian Amazon River operations, used Back & Scroll Down VG $12.00
MSC29. LACSA , A Very Scarce set of Mailed LACSA material, a Affiliate of Pan American World Airways from 1960. The ORIGINAL mailing envelope measures 9 1/2" x 4 1/4" and dat ed February 1960. The system schedule dated February 1,1960 measuring 4" x 9" and 12" x 18" Fully opened. Nest isa LACSA-Landi brochure meauring 4" x 9' with four panels. In the Top Left(LACSA envelope) measuring 6 1/2" x 3 5/8" and Left(Reservation Requst Form card) measuring 6 1/2" x 3 1/2"), is showing for Passenger's to fill out. Lastly is a Autographed letter measures 8 1/2" x 11", and Of Course folded for mailing to a passenger Mr. Donald Brown. Operating Super Convari 340s, DC-3s and Aero Commander's , used Inside of Brochure , Schedule EX $22.00
MSC30. TIA DC-10 , A SUPER RARE Aviation 200 TIA, Trans International Airlines DC-10(N102TV) 1/200 model. U can LOOK on Ebay and U will find ZERO listed, as A VERY LIMITED PRODUCTION RUN OF 138. JUST A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, UNUSED Close UP View MINT $300.00
MSC31. PAA AeroGram , A Very RARE Pan American Airways System World War 2 issued " AREOGRAM" informational news letter dated January 28,1942. Item measures 8 1/2" x 11", and two paged. Also showing there MIAMI-NASSAU schedule/timetable, used 2nd Page w/Schedule EX $25.00
MSC32. Capitol Super DC-8-63, A MINT in the Origianl box SUPER DC=8-63 Capitollinr 1/200 scale LIMITED EDITION OF 240 Inflight model, used View 1 , View 2 EX $120.00
MSC33. UNITED AIR LINES , A Scarce group of three United Air Lines DC-3 'TRANSPORTATION-AIR " School Collection from the Visual Education Section aids, published in L.A. City. Items measure 11" x 8 1/2" light+/moderate cor. wear & creases, C.1936/1040. I had to Scan the Back and the Front of one Item because my camera made the one aid scan look FUZZY. Hence, the scanning of ALL THE BACKS, used Repair Shop Aid that was FUZZY , Back of FUZZY Repair Aid , Other Back of Repair Shop Aid , New York Airport VG $18.00
MSC34. Alaska Airlines L-1649 , A Scarcely Issued Western Models Lockheed L-1649 Constellation 1/200 scale model. Comes in the Original box as shown, used View 1 , View 2 , View 3 MINT $90.00
MSC35. PAA Airways System , A PAA Airways System , A Scarce Sikorsky S-40 covered Pan American Airways System "The New Idea in Winter Travel" brochure, and a PAA S-40 postcard. Also featuring their Commodore 20 Flying boats, C.1932. Item measures 4" x 7' with 14 pages which includes the inside of Front & Back covers. Only 3 S-40s were built and all three entered service with PAA in November 1931. In 1935, all three aircraft were upgraded and re-designated as the Sikorsky S-40A's:more Powerful Supercharge Engines, eliminating the landing gear and increasing the maximum weight slightly, used FRONT OF BROCHURE & POSTCARD , View 2 , View 3 , View 4 , View 5 , View 6 , View 7 EX $30.00
MSC36. Aeroflot , A Cool covered Aeroflot TU-154 brochure, C.1971/1972. Item measures 5 1/2" x 7 7/9" with four panels, used Specs. & Cut-A-Way , Inside View , Left Panel on Inside View , Right Panel on Inside View EX $12.00
MSC37. Delware Aviation , A Unique and Cool covered Delware Aviation Apache Air Taxi & Piper Comanche Air Charter, Air Freight & Air Ambulance tariff brochure. Item measures 8 1/2" x 11", two paged with a light vertical crease. On the back cover is "Flight Training Rent-A-Plane Servive program. Also, Aircraft Lease, Finance and Sale program. JUDGING BY THE "TRI-PACER" AIRCRAFT ON THE BACK, I'D SAY C.1958, used Immediate Inside EX $7.00
> MSC38. ANA B-747 , A Scarce All Nippon Airways B-747(JA8136) Inflight 1/200 model. U can LOOK on Ebay and there are ZERO listed. JUST A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, UNUSED Cluse UP View MINT $150.00
MSC39. J.Tripp & C.Lindbergh , A Very Scarce photograph dated 10/9/1935 of PAA's President Juan Tripp and Charles Lindbergh walking towards Pan American Airways Martin 130 flying boat photograph. Item measures 8 1/2" x 11" with creases through-out, and two small top border tears. AS the First flight was on November 29,1935, I think this them visiting/inspecting the M-130 , used Back G $10.00
MSC40. T.A.A. , A Scarce TAA, Trans American Airlines brochure, C.1954. Item measures 3 7/8" x 8 3/4", AND 15 3/8" x 17 1/2", used View 1 , Fully Opened EX $17.00
MSC41. Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei , AN EXTREMELY RARE, IN THIS CONDITION, Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei "GRAF ZEPPELIN" brochure dated December 1934. Item measures 5 7/8" x 8 1/4" with three panels. The TEXT OF THIS BROCHURE IS ENGLISH, with light wear on back lft. corner, used Kitchen & Chef View WITH MENU Inside EX $130.00
MSC42. DC-4 , A Very COOL American Airlines "DC-4 SKY COMFORT" CUT-A-WAY brochure, C. 1946. The brochure measures 4" x 9" with 7 pages including the immediate inside page and the inside of back cover. Has four tiny/small paper lost spots on top of back cover. American Airlines started , used Immediate Inside Page , View 1 , DC-4 CUT-A-WAY , View 2 , American DC-4 Information EX $25.00
MSC43. Western Airlines B-707 , A VERY SCARCE Western Airlines B-707(N1501W) Inflight 1/200 model in Early '60s scheme/livrry. U can LOOK on Ebay and there are ZERO listed. A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, UNUSED Close UP MINT $200.00
MSC44. Air Namibia B-737 , A Scarce COLLECTION SERIES ONE Air Namibia(VS-AND) Inflight 1/200 model. U can LOOK on Ebay and there are ZERO listed. A BRILLIANT SPECIMEN, UNUSED Close UP View MINT $120.00
MSC45. Fairchild Model 91 , A Very Scarce Fairchild Model 91 amphibian NC15952 photograph. Item measures 10" x 8". The particular Model 91 was purchased by Pan American Airways for Panair's Amazon River services= MSN 9403, Registration as built NC15952, Delivery Customer Pan Am for Panair do Brasil, Notes PP-PAT, scrapped 1945, used Back EX $14.00
MSC46. PAA DC-4 Blotter , A Uncommon Pan American world Airways "Specify CLIPPER CARGO" blotter, C.1946/1949. Item measures 8 3/4" x 3 3/4" with up. rt. and lwr. rt. cor. wear and some bottom border wear from PAA logo to lwr. ft. cor., unused VG $9.00
MSC47. Airbus A310 , A Cool covered A310 Airbus brochure dated 1989. Item measures 8 1/4" x 11 3/4" with 22 ALL COLOR PAGES, used Table of Contents , Interior , Maintenance , Technoloy N Action , Cockpit , Made for the Market , WIDE BODY CUT-A-WAYS , EX $12.00
MSC48. SAS Super DC-8-62 , A MINT, and Uncommon " SCANDINAVIAN SCANAIR " DC-8-62 1/200 scale Inflight model in the origianl box from DAYS OF OLD, used View 1 , View 2 , View 3 EX $159.00
MSC49. PAA DC-2 , A Great photograph shot of a Pan American Airways DC-2 being loaded by U.S. Mail and Air Express Division employees. Photo measures 10" x 8" with several mini sky creases, but Must Tilt the photo to see them, used PAA Duplicate Stamp VG+ $14.00
MSC50. L.A. Aviation 1946 Progess , A Very Scarce Los Angeles "Aviation Progress" brochure dated January 1946. Item measures 8 1/2" x 11 1/4" with four total pages. Has been folded for mailing. A VERY INTERESTING READ & GREAT AIRLINE NEWS, used Front Page , Page 2 , Page 3 , Page 4 vG $24.00
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